What You Need To Know About Adenomyosis

Most women are familiar with endometriosis, a common and often painful disorder in which the cells that are normally contained within the uterus find their way out and attach themselves to your other organs. The endometrial cells can often be found growing on the ovaries, bowel, or attached to the lining of the pelvis. But there is another condition that is rarely spoken of called adenomyosis. This condition keeps the endometrial cells confined to the uterine muscle but they migrate to the back wall of the uterus.

Precautions To Prevent Ear Buds From Damaging Your Hearing

Many people love listening to music via earphones or headphones. Unfortunately, constant exposure to loud noise is a big risk for hearing damage. If you can't let go of your headphones, you need to learn to use them in a manner that doesn't damage your hearing. Here are some precautions that can help: Stick To the 60/60 Rule According to some experts, adhering to the 60/60 rule while listening to music will protect your hearing.

Don't Believe Medical Marijuana Myths

Thanks to medical research, the health benefits of medical marijuana are now being widely recognized.  As a result, a number of people with psychological, emotional and physical ailments now have access to this treatment method. While it is more widely available, this doesn't mean that it is widely accepted. A part of this has to do with myths. There are a number of myths that prevent people from trying this treatment method, even when it would be beneficial.

Finding The Source Of An Allergic Reaction To The Skin

If you are suddenly suffering from red welts or itchiness of the skin, you will most likely want to alleviate the symptoms promptly. While treating the symptoms of an allergic reaction is certainly attainable, having them come back time and time again is an issue that will need to be addressed in addition to soothing the skin. Use these tips to find out the reason you are having recurrent allergic reactions to the skin. Eliminate All Skincare Products For Several Days Start by stopping the use of all topical treatments you use on the skin.

What You Should Do If Your Toddler Swallows A Coin

Small toddlers are known for putting everything they touch into their mouths, and it can be hard as a parent to stop the child from doing this. The problem is that small kids will often swallow things they shouldn't, and coins are a common item. Coins are large enough to choke a child or get trapped in a child's throat or digestive system, but they are small enough to often work their way all the way through.