Precautions To Prevent Ear Buds From Damaging Your Hearing

Many people love listening to music via earphones or headphones. Unfortunately, constant exposure to loud noise is a big risk for hearing damage. If you can't let go of your headphones, you need to learn to use them in a manner that doesn't damage your hearing. Here are some precautions that can help:

Stick To the 60/60 Rule

According to some experts, adhering to the 60/60 rule while listening to music will protect your hearing. The rule promotes setting your volume at 60% and listening to the music for a maximum of 60 minutes per day. This rule accomplishes two things; it helps you listen to music at lower volumes and also limits the time you are exposed to it.

Use Noise-Canceling Headphones

Many people use noise-canceling headphones because the headphones improve hearing by keeping out external sounds. However, these headphones also preserve your hearing. By keeping out external noises, the headphones allow you to turn down the volume and still listen to your music effectively.

Limit Use of Ear Buds

Ear buds or in-ear headphones are more dangerous than over-the-ear headphones. This is because the ear bud variety channels the sounds directly into your ears, very close to your eardrums. This increases the amount of noise your ears are exposed to, which increases your risk of hearing damage.

Try Listening To External Sounds

Although external sounds can interfere with your enjoyment of music, you shouldn't turn your volume high to deal with it. Either go to a quiet place or use noise-canceling headphones as described above.  You should know that your music is too loud if it completely drowns external noises; for example, it's too loud if you can't hear the person next to you at all.

Have a Hearing Detox

If you regularly use headphones or earphones to listen to music, you need to give your ears regular breaks. This will reduce the cumulative effect of the noise on your ears, which reduces your risk of hearing impairment. For example, you can go to your room (if it is quiet) or any other quiet place and spend some hours without exposing your ears to noise.

Hopefully, the above precautions will prevent your headphones from damaging your hearing. Watch out for symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss that include distorted sounds, muffled sounds, gradual hearing loss, temporary hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing or buzzing noise in the ears). Consult your hearing doctor if you experience such symptoms--if your hearing is substantially damaged, you may need to be fitted for a hearing aid.
