
How Can A Medical Records Review Help Your Legal Case?

If you're in the midst of a personal injury lawsuit, your lawyer might suggest getting a medical records review. You can use this for injuries sustained during a car accident or after a loved one wrongfully dies from an accident or medical malpractice case. So, what is a medical records review and how can it help your case? Keep reading to learn the answers to these vital questions. Who performs a medical record review?

Dealing With ED? Why You Need To See Your Doctor

If you're dealing with erectile dysfunction, now's the time to see your doctor. If you're like many people, you might be too embarrassed to discuss the problem. But, prolonging the discussion can lead to more problems for you. If you do suffer from erectile dysfunction, you need to know that you're not alone. In fact, about 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction in the United States. Luckily, help is available.

A Healthier You: Three Ways To Kickstart Virtual Training Sessions

So you're ready to get on the fast track to a healthier lifestyle and would like to work with a personal trainer. Excellent! This choice will pave the way for healthy habits that you can keep for a lifetime. With the advances in technology, using a trainer in a virtual setting is now commonplace and extremely convenient. Read on for three ways you can make your at-home workouts a success!

Impetigo In Children: Frequently Asked Questions

You have recently noticed a new rash around your child's mouth and have tried several over-the-counter creams to eliminate it. However, the cause of the rash and sores might be something called impetigo, which is a common condition that requires the assistance of your child's pediatrician. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions you might have about your child's impetigo. What Is Impetigo? Impetigo is a skin infection that is caused by either exposure to staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria.

4 Nutrients That Can Help Seniors Stay Healthy

As people age, their bodies change in ways that affect their nutritional requirements, from nutrient absorption problems to challenges affecting muscles and joints. If you've entered your senior years, you may need to consume more of the following nutrients to maintain optimal health and wellness. 1. Protein Protein provides the raw material the body needs to construct and repair muscles and other tissues. As you age, however, your ability to hang onto your muscle mass naturally decreases, a problem called sarcopenia.