How To Start A Conversation With Your Child About Their Chronic Illness

One of the hardest parts about helping your child understand a chronic illness is how difficult it is to have the conversation in the first place. Some chronic health conditions are common and are easier to cope with, such as more mild forms of asthma or allergies. Regardless, your child will need to understand the chronic condition so they can better cope with it.

Don't Keep Secrets

Make sure to tell your child everything about the chronic illness. If you don't tell your child a particular detail, they'll hear about it from somewhere else. They might also imagine that the illness is worse than it actually is and this will only add to the fear and stress. 

Talk to the Specialist

If you don't know where to begin, talk to your child's doctor about how best to approach this subject. They will have dealt with this type of situation before and will be able to offer advice on how to best approach the situation.

Then, it's time to bring the topic up in a way that is appropriate for their developmental level. If your child is under the age of five, you might want to talk to your doctor about whether your child is too young to understand.

Find Kid-Friendly Chronic Illness Resources

It's important to provide your child with kid-friendly chronic illness resources that are easy to understand. These resources will use language that is not too confusing or technical. They are also resources that have been tested and have been found to be helpful for children who are struggling with chronic illnesses.

Focus on What Matters to Your Child

For young children, it's important to understand the chronic illness they have and how it will affect their lives in the short term. You'll want to read to them from the resources and ask if they have any questions. 

Answer Any Questions

Common questions that your child might ask are whether they will be able to play with their friends and whether the illness will go away. Make sure to explain this to the best of your ability.

Even if the illness cannot go away, explain that there are medicines that can make them feel better and do the thing that they want to do. Chronic illness resources can help your child understand the plan going forward so that they can have the best possible outcome and they can live a fulfilling life. For more information, contact a company like Tiny Docs.
