4 Main Signs That You Need Holistic Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopause is a normal part of aging that marks the end of your reproductive years. In other words, it marks the end of your menstrual cycles. In the United States, the average menopause age is 51 years. During this period, your ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone, leading to irregular periods. After some time, the menstrual cycle permanently stops. Sometimes, the physical symptoms of menopause are so severe that you need holistic hormone replacement therapy.

What is Holistic Hormone Replacement Therapy (HHRT)?

After menopause, the body produces little estrogen and progesterone. In such a case, doctors prescribe synthetic hormones to replace declining progesterone and estrogen levels. The biomedical hormones administered during hormone replacement therapy have the same molecular structures as those produced by your body.

In this context, HHRT contains plant hormones that function more like the following hormones:

  • Progesterone- This hormone is associated with pregnancy and menstruation.
  • Estriol- This hormone is a weaker form of estrogen.
  • Melatonin- This is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone- It assists with the production of progesterone and estrogen.

Signs that You Need Holistic Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is effective in treating severe symptoms of menopause, including:

Vagina Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a common problem for many post-menopausal women. The problem is caused by a natural decline in estrogen levels. As a result, the vaginal tissues become easily irritated and thinner, leading to painful intercourse. If you have this problem, doctors mainly prescribe vaginal lubricants and moisturizers. These products don't provide a long-term solution, and you need to consider biomedical hormone replacement therapy.

Low Sex Drive

The declining production of progesterone and estrogen leads to changes in a woman's sex drive. Hence, you may not be easily aroused and may be less sensitive to stroking and touching. Since menopause affects vaginal lubrication, the vagina is too dry for comfortable sex. Thus, you may experience less interest in sex.

Mood Changes

As the body adjusts to the declining estrogen levels, you may experience changes in your mood. Mood changes are mainly characterized by anxiety and low energy. In some cases, mood swings are associated with a lack of sleep due to night sweats.

Hot Flashes

Once you have reached menopause age, you may frequently experience a sudden feeling of warmth that is most intense over the neck, face, and chest. The flash causes sweating and reddening of the skin. If hot flashes disrupt daily activities, you should ask your primary care provider about holistic hormone replacement therapy.

The Takeaway

Menopause comes along with numerous physical symptoms due to the reduced production of estrogen and progesterone. Some symptoms are mild, while others are so intense that they affect your everyday activities. If the symptoms significantly affect your quality of life, you are an ideal candidate for holistic hormone replacement therapy.
