3 Tips To Combat Insomnia

Most people will face insomnia at various points in their life. Although the condition can be frustrating, it is rarely an ongoing problem. When insomnia becomes chronic, you will need to try different approaches to consistently have a good night's sleep.

1. Be Mindful Of Late-Day Beverages

One major culprit that might be keeping you up at night is what you drink later in the day. Try to stop drinking any caffeine by mid-afternoon or earlier. Caffeine can take several hours to be excreted from your system and keep you awake later than you expect. Many people have a "nightcap" after dinner or before bed.

Although alcohol has depressant properties, which seems ideal if you want to fall asleep, the rebound effect can contribute to insomnia. It is best to drink limited amounts of something soothing, such as non-caffeinated herbal tea, as you approach bedtime. In general, you want to keep your fluids to a minimum. Although being too hydrated will not contribute to insomnia, it will disrupt your sleep.

2. Exhaust Yourself

In general, you should avoid strenuous exercise before bed, because it can keep you from falling asleep. For some people, exercising in the evening might have the opposite effect. If you feel like stress or anxiety is part of the reason you have difficulties falling or staying asleep, burning off any unproductive energy might actually be helpful.

It is not necessary to head to the gym at night for sleep benefits. If possible, a late-evening walk around the block at a brisk pace or jogging on the treadmill might be effective. Try this approach a few hours before you plan to fall asleep, so you have some "wind-down" time before climbing into bed. For many people, being physically active can take their mind off their troubles.

3. Consider Medical Help

If you have tried everything without successfully eliminating insomnia, it may be time to speak with a professional. You might be referred to a clinic for a sleep study. When sleep studies are performed in a laboratory setting, it gives professionals the chance to monitor your sleeping behavior. This usually includes video of you sleeping and you may be connected to a device to monitor your brain activity. Some people may have abnormal brain activity that prevents them from falling asleep at a normal time or they might not achieve the deep levels of sleep needed to feel rested.

Fortunately, most episodes of insomnia will resolve on their own. Once insomnia becomes an ongoing problem, going with little sleep not only compromises your personal and professional life, it could be dangerous. For more information, contact a sleep clinic.
