When you suffer from diarrhea, you likely know that it might be the result of a bug or something that you ate, and you can proceed accordingly. A child with diarrhea, however, can be highly upset by what is going on — especially if he or she has made an accident in his or her pants. While you can't likely assess the probable reason for the diarrhea, you can deal with this situation in a number of constructive ways. Sometimes, diarrhea will come and go quickly. In other cases where this type of bowel movement lingers, it's a good idea to schedule your child to see a pediatrician. Here are some ways to manage the diarrhea:
Make Sure The Child Is Comfortable
Diarrhea can render your child uncomfortable on the outside and the inside, so it's important to take care of this situation from both angles. If the child is complaining of an upset stomach, you can give him or her some plain crackers or something else that won't cause problems. Additionally, the child may have a rash around his or her bottom; this is especially the case if the diarrhea has occurred several times. Make sure to carefully wash the child's bottom in the bathtub or shower, and then apply ointment to reduce the discomfort.
Keep The Child Hydrated
One of the immediate concerns about diarrhea is that it can cause dehydration; when your child is losing a significant amount of fluid with each bowel movement, he or she may soon be feeling worse. Sometimes, children won't want to drink when they're feeling sick, but it's important that your child gets some fluid into him or her. Water is your best bet, so encourage the child to sip some water regularly, and especially after each bowel movement.
Soothe The Child
Diarrhea can be upsetting for children who are already potty trained. The act of going to the bathroom in their pants, especially if it happens several times, can make them feel as though they've failed and they might even be concerned that you'll start to make them wear a diaper again. Make sure that your child knows that he or she hasn't done anything wrong and that a stomach bug is the only thing to blame. Don't make your child feel bad that you're having to do extra laundry, or that you've needed to clean the child's bed or bedroom.
Contact your local pediatric services for more information and assistance.